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Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the light of archeology, iconography and written sources (Ebook)

Yuri Godino

Yuri Godino

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Autor/esYuri Godino
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"Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the light of archeology, iconography and written sources (Ebook)"
de Yuri Godino

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Often considered to be “the most barbaric among barbarian populations”, the Lombards actually boast one of the most prosperous and complex civilizations of the... Leer más

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Otra información de interés

  • Portada: Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the light of archeology, iconography and written sources (Ebook) de
  • Editorial: | 26/12/2016
  • Sinopsis:

    El autor de Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the light of archeology, iconography and written sources (Ebook), con isbn 978-88-982754-7-2, es Yuri Godino.

Menswear of the Lombards. Reflections in the light of archeology, iconography and written sources (Ebook)