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** A partir de 18€ para Península, Tenerife, Gran Canaria y Mallorca

Libros de Mari Carmen González Sánchez

  • 15,00€ 14,25€
  • El Brujo Pirujo

    • 32 páginas
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • James The Boy Wizard

    • It is a story that helps young readers to reflect on the importance of not giving up and persevering when you want to achieve a dream, a goal or an objective.
    18,04€ 17,14€
  • The Painting Cave

    • This is the story of Green Hand, an amusing and creative hand who used to meet other hands every Sunday to do what they enjoyed most, chatting with friends and painting in the Painting Cave, until one day the problems of communal life at school caused...
    13,87€ 13,18€
  • El Brujo Pirujo

    • 32 páginas
    • Jaime, es un niño vestido con un disfraz, al dormir la siesta, viaja a un mundo de fantasía. En este otro mundo Jaime es el Brujo Pirujo.
    10,00€ 9,50€
  • The Painting Cave

    • 60 páginas
    • This is the story of Green Hand, an amusing and creative hand who used to meet other hands every Sunday to do what they enjoyed most, chatting with friends and painting in the Painting Cave, until one day the problems of communal life at school caused...
    12,00€ 11,40€
  • El Bruixot Maduixot

    • 28 páginas
    • En Jaume és un nen que, quan es posa la disfressa de Bruixot Maduixot, viatja a un món de fantasia. El Bruixot Maduixot també vol fer la migdiada, passeja pel bosc, entre els arbres, buscant un lloc confortable per descansar. Hi troba...
    14,00€ 13,30€