I began writing this book after my husband of 51 years passed away, hoping to find my purpose in this new chapter of my life. Without my best friend by my side, I sought guidance and clarity. Through my writing and research, I learned to be patient with...
Aunque sus orígenes están en el pueblo de Nocedo del Valle, en Galicia, Blanca De La Rosa nació en República Dominicana en el seno de una familia humilde. El destino quiso que ella fuese la prueba patente de que podemos alcanza...
The informal education of navigating the work environment happens on the job by trial and error. In A Holistic Approach to Your Career, the author shares the hard-earned wisdom and experience of a forty-one-year professional career detailing attributes,...
Although her origins lie in the village of Nocedo del Valle, in the region of Galicia, Blanca De La Rosa was born in Dominican Republic in the bosom of a humble family. Fate wanted her to be the living proof that we all can achieve our goals. From a child...